1. Sign Up
Complete the online sign up form to list your store and start selling your end of day surplus produce.
Produce is arranged into 'Mystery' Bags and listed as available at one-third of the original price. E.g, if your Mystery bag contains $30 of food at it's original price, you will list it for $10. You can choose if bags are a complete mixture of food or more specific, eg. hot bag, cold bag, bakery etc...
Via the app, upload information on what produce you sell and usually have available as surplus. Select the time that you would want produce to be collected.
Once the produce has been reserved by the customer you will receive notification and can prepare the bag for collection. When the customer collects the bag, mark it as collected. List bags daily or as you have surplus produce. You will receive a payout into your bank, earning you money and saving the environment. It's a win-win situation for everyone.